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Follow God’s Calling. Apply Today.

Find your purpose at Charis Today!

Follow God’s Calling. Apply Today.

God has more

for you

In a world full of lies and distractions, many Christians struggle to find, follow, and fulfill their God-given purpose. Confusion from false religion and past hardships prevents us from knowing God and who He created us to be. Are you ready for a change in your life?

At Charis Bible College we guide you into discovering your purpose by immersing you in the Word of God. Receive transformational knowledge as you cultivate a vibrant, personal relationship with Jesus. It is the knowledge and experience of His love that will change you and the world around you.

Discover God’s unconditional love and grace.

Grow together with thousands of like-minded believers.

Be transformed by the renewal of your mind.

Cultivate a vibrant, personal relationship with Jesus.

Apply Now

We’ve spent the last 29 years empowering disciples like you.







How to Find, Follow, Fulfil God’s Purpose For Your Life

Year 1


On Campus Full-Time
Distance Education

Year 2


On Campus Full-Time

Year 3


On Campus Full-Time

What our Students say

“Before Charis I was weak, frustrated, and unchanged. Doing Year 1 and
Year 2 at Charis Bible College, I am strong, at peace and changing.  It is
true -Charis will change your life and you will go out and change the world.”

Susan Davies

Charis Student

“Being at Charis has helped me to not just know about Jesus but know Jesus for myself.”

John Laurence Rodrigues – McGonagle

Charis Student

“Charis has given me a firm foundation in the Word, that has allowed
me to develop spiritually and pursue God’s divine purpose for my life.”

Kurtis Grant

Charis Student

A Letter from the Founder

Why Charis Bible College?

Every successful minister goes through school. It’s just a matter of whether it’s in a formal educational setting with experienced instructors ready to help or an informal one through the “school of hard knocks,” alone. I took the latter route, and I must say, if you survive, it makes a great testimony. However, I don’t recommend it!

The Lord led me to start Charis Bible College for the purpose of training people for the work of the ministry. He wanted me to take a unique approach; it had to be a combination of the rich teaching of God’s Word and practical, hands-on ministry experience.

Whatever God is leading you to do, preparation is never a waste of time. Statistics show that 80% of ministers drop out of the ministry, and 80% of those who stay are on the verge of burnout. I believe the lack of preparation–spiritually, academically, and practically–are at the root of these statistics.

If you choose to attend, I guarantee you it will change your life and the lives of those around you forever.

Andrew Wommack


Meet your Instructors

Get to know our instructors and internationally-known guest speakers.

Andrew Wommack

Billy Epperhart

Mike & Carrie Pickett

Wendell Parr

Barry Bennett

Greg Mohr

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“What you truly believe
in your heart will be the most
powerful force in your life.”

Barry Bennett

Senior Instructor